We asked our designer to write a well detailed user guide for you which contains essential tips, which you should take into account when creating a new email template from scratch. The first part of our “How to” articles deals with Email background settings, which can be configured in EDMdesigner under the Defaults tab.

When you start an email template from scratch, there are a few general styling options that you may want to consider.

EDMdesigner - Defaults Tab

These options can be found on the Defaults tab on the right panel.

Email Background


This option sets the whole background of the email. You can choose color, or an image. Keep in mind that in most email clients, especially on compact devices, there will not be much to see from this background, unless you choose transparent content elements. So it is mostly just for setting a general mood for the template.

Colored template background

According to the above, be careful when choosing a general color for your background. It is better if this color is not in a big contrast to the content, this was you can avoid having an awkward distinct frame around the content on compact devices.


Background image

The same caution is advised with background images as with background coloring. It is likely that just a small portion of the image will be visible in most cases. Therefore in most cases it is not wise to use a big background image, the more because the client has to download that big file, even on mobile devices, and that can lead to slow loading and unnecessary network traffic and costs.

The more usual use of the background image is tiling, using a small repeatable image that resembles a material, or shows a geometric pattern.

EDMdesigner Background Image

We hope that you liked this short summary from Joe. We will continue our “How to” series with Default typography settings next week!

Roland Pokornyik

Roland Pokornyik

CEO / Co-founder @ Chamaileon.io & EDMdesigner.com

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