Our mission is to make emails enjoyable on all devices!
This is the reason why we offer EDMdesigner for integration into any system. We want to help you to serve your clients better, and be able to offer them an up to date, flexible, responsive email editor without the pain and cost of developing your own solution for months. We invested thousands of hours in the development of the user interface and hundreds in optimizing the quality of our HTML output. You don’t have to! Instead you can get your hands on a customizable email editor tool, which has all the features you might need.
Easy to use drag and drop interface
Your clients can use the inbuilt templates (designed by you or provided by us) or even build their own templates with the drag and drop editor from scratch. No HTML coding required any more! Our generator engine will handle the hard part automatically.
No more tiresome email testing
Our automatically generated HTML output is tested with Litmus, Email on Acid and own test devices continuously. Currently we support more than 90% of all desktop, mobile and web email clients and all sorts of other email readers.
Flexible template library
You, as an integration partner, can create and manage your own template library with the editor. You can have a major template library, which is available for all of your clients, and can create custom designs per client as well. This way you can easily offer personalized email templates for key accounts. We know that big companies want custom templates – now you can easily serve their unique needs without writing a single line of HTML code!
Custom strings supported
You can easily add custom strings – like %%Name%% or for example Unsubscribe links – to the editor through the API. Users may insert them into their templates through the WYSWYG text editor, integrated into EDMdesigner.com.
Configurable email preview
We give you all the tools to create your own, custom-built email preview, which fits best into your system. For example the Preview layer, which we use in our own application at EDMdesigner.com is completely built on the API itself.
Unique image library location
You can specify the image library location for each of your client or may even use a central library, if you wish to do so.
Fixed header and footer
If you would like to add a fixed header and/or footer to your email templates, you can do it easily through the API. You have the opportunity to offer various versions of the header and/or footer blocks, and users can choose from those in the “General Settings”.
Secure SSL connection
In order to ensure the safe transfer of data between your system and our API, you can use a Secure SSL connection (Deluxe High Assurance Wildcard SSL by Godaddy.com).
Internationalization – Localization
Multi- language support is available in our system, so if you want to translate the whole interface into other left to right languages, you can do it. You only need to translate our basic language file to your own language(s).
Complex elements
Would you like to add a “product block”, or a “2 column image gallery” with a simple drag and drop? That’s what the “Complex element” can do for you! Both API partners, and users are able to save group of elements as a Complex Element. These saved (or predefined by the API partner) are available for use any time. This feature helps users to create new templates from previously used elements. So if they create and save a custom header and footer for their company, they will be able to add those to any of their email templates with a simple drag and drop.
Dynamic elements
With dynamic elements API partners can add a special drag element to the system whose content will directly update from the desired database. This way you can add for example a “News” or “Best seller products” block to any of the templates. This is not a compulsory element. API partners can decide whether to use it or not.
Basic skinning
You, as an integration partner, are able to customize the colors of the user interface. It’s easy as a pie! You just have to setup your main colors, and the design will easily match the rest of your system.
Want to see the API in production?
Just register at EDMdesigner.com and try it right now! The whole system is built on the API. We wanted to make sure that the implementation of our API is smooth, so we had to test it on ourselves, and we can ensure you that it is super easy.
API documentation
If you would like to go into tech details, please check out our API documentation for developers.
API pricing starts from only $198/month
For more information, quote and/or API_KEY please contact roland@edmdesigner.com any time!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the image library location be specified?
Yes, definitely you can specify the image library location per user through the API. The API can cooperate with any image hosting solution (AWS or your own system as well).
Is it possible to import old HTML templates to the system automatically?
Unfortunately, not yet. Although we are open to recreate old style HTML email templates with the editor for an extra fee or you can do it yourselves.
Can the email preview be customized?
Yes, you can define as many preview screen sizes as you would like – for example: mobile, tablet and desktop preview as well.
Is it possible to rebrand the editor?
Yes definitely, we offer a complete white-label solution to all of our integration partners.
Is it possible to offer custom email templates through the API?
Yes, API partners are able to create their own template library or use the inbuilt templates provided by EDMdesigner. You are also able to offer different templates per user.
Can we send a test email through the API?
This functionality is not available in the API. If you want to send a test email, you will have to generate the email based on the _id, and send it with your system.
When and how can I generate the HTML code?
You can generate the HTML code any time from server or client side as well. You only need the project_ID which is also necessary for opening and editing projects.