Email Marketing and Mobile – Make Them Love You

16 Command Examples to Send Email From The Linux Command Line

11 April 2018

In this post you'll learn how to send emails from the Linux command line. I'll show the most often used commands, SMTP configuration and terminal options.

16 Command Examples to Send Email From The Linux Command Line

How to Create Responsive Email Designs with React Native

28 February 2018

Responsive email coding is complex. Are you native in React Native? Abstract away email HTML & CSS into components with react-html-email or mjml frameworks.

How to Create Responsive Email Designs with React Native

Using PHP for Sending HTML Emails with Mailgun, Sendgrid & Amazon SES

24 January 2018

Ever wondered how to use PHP for sending HTML email templates with Mailgun, Sendgrid and Amazon SES? Read on for step-by-step coding advice.

Using PHP for Sending HTML Emails with Mailgun, Sendgrid & Amazon SES

A Step-by-Step Guide to Sending HTML Email Templates Using PHP

10 January 2018

In this comprehensive guide you will learn the ins and outs of sending text and HTML emails with built-in packages and email delivery services using PHP.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Sending HTML Email Templates Using PHP edmdesigner @ copyright - EDMdesigner